Support for atoms, i.e., objects with decidable equality. We provide here the ability to generate an atom fresh for any finite collection, e.g., the lemma atom_fresh_for_set, and a tactic to pick an atom fresh for the current proof context. Authors: Arthur Charguéraud and Brian Aydemir. Implementation note: In older versions of Coq, OrderedTypeEx redefines decimal constants to be integers and not natural numbers. The following scope declaration is intended to address this issue. In newer versions of Coq, the declaration should be benign.
Module Type ATOM.
Parameter atom : Set.
Parameter atom_fresh_for_list :
∀ (xs : list atom), {x : atom | ¬ List.In x xs}.
Declare Module Atom_as_OT : UsualOrderedType with Definition t := atom.
Parameter eq_atom_dec : ∀ x y : atom, {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
The implementation of the above interface is hidden for documentation purposes.
Basic operations on finite sets of atoms are available, in the remainder of this file, without qualification. We use Import instead of Export in order to avoid unnecessary namespace pollution.
We instantiate two modules which provide useful lemmas and tactics work working with finite sets of atoms.
Module AtomSetDecide := FSetDecide.Decide AtomSet.F.
Module AtomSetNotin := FSetNotin.Notin AtomSet.F.
Module AtomSetFacts := FSetFacts.Facts AtomSet.F.
Module AtomSetProperties := FSetProperties.Properties AtomSet.F.
Tactics for working with finite sets of atoms
The tactic notin_simpl simplifies all hypotheses of the form (~ In x F), where F is constructed from the empty set, singleton sets, and unions.
The tactic notin_solve, solves goals of the form (~ In x F), where F is constructed from the empty set, singleton sets, and unions. The goal must be provable from hypothesis of the form simplified by notin_simpl.
Lemmas for working with finite sets of atoms
Notation eq_if_Equal := AtomSet.eq_if_Equal.
Notation notin_empty := AtomSetNotin.notin_empty.
Notation notin_singleton := AtomSetNotin.notin_singleton.
Notation notin_singleton_rw := AtomSetNotin.notin_singleton_rw.
Notation notin_union := AtomSetNotin.notin_union.
Additional tactics
Picking a fresh atom
(beautify_fset V) takes a set V built as a union of finite sets and returns the same set with empty sets removed and union operations associated to the right. Duplicate sets are also removed from the union.
The tactic (pick fresh Y for L) takes a finite set of atoms L and a fresh name Y, and adds to the context an atom with name Y and a proof that (~ In Y L), i.e., that Y is fresh for L. The tactic will fail if Y is already declared in the context.
Tactic Notation "pick" "fresh" ident(Y) "for" constr(L) :=
let Fr := fresh "Fr" in
let L := beautify_fset L in
(destruct (atom_fresh_for_set L) as [Y Fr]).
- Repeatedly invoke gather_atoms_with, using functions with different argument types each time.
- Union together the result of the calls, and invoke (pick fresh ... for ...) with that union of sets.
Lemma example_pick_fresh_use : ∀ (x y z : atom) (L1 L2 L3: atoms), True.
intros x y z L1 L2 L3. example_pick_fresh k.
At this point in the proof, we have a new atom k and a hypothesis Fr : ¬ In k (union L1 (union L2 (union L3 (union (singleton x) (union (singleton y) (singleton z)))))).
Definition disjoint (xs : atoms) (ys: atoms) : Prop :=
AtomSet.F.Empty (AtomSet.F.inter xs ys).
Notation "a `disjoint` b" := (disjoint a b) (at level 1) : metatheory_scope.