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Local Backtrackable State

Since System C features effect handlers and multiple resumptions, mutable state needs to be used with care. Take the following standard handler for ambiguity that runs explores all possible choices.

interface Amb { def flip(): Boolean }

def allChoices { prog : {Amb} => Unit }: Unit {
  try { prog {amb} } with amb: Amb {
    def flip() { resume(true); resume(false) }

If we declare the mutable variable outside of the handler for ambiguity, changes should be persisted across different explored alternatives:

def stateExample1() {
  var x = 1;
  allChoices { {amb: Amb} =>
    if (amb.flip()) { x = 2 } else { () };

whereas, if we declare the mutable variable within the handler for ambiguity, it should perform backtracking:

def stateExample2() {
  allChoices { {amb: Amb} =>
    var x = 1;
    if (amb.flip()) { x = 2 } else { () };

In order to achieve this correct backtracking behaviour, state is allocated on the stack, captured together with the continuation and restored on resumption.


In fact, all local mutable variables are allocated in corresponding regions. The regions become visible, when trying to close over the references:

def stateExample1b() {
  var x = 1;
  val closure = box { () => x };

The inferred capability set for closure is {stateExample1b}. This illustrates that x is allocated in a region associated with the current function definition. We could also make this more explicit as:

def stateExample1c() {
  region r {
    var x in r = 1;
    val closure = box { () => x };

Now, the inferred capability set at closure is {r}. Regions are second-class and can be passed to functions:

def newCounter {pool: Region} {
  var state in pool = 0;
  return box { () => println(state); state = state + 1 }

Hovering over newCounter, we can see that the inferred return type is () => Unit at {pool}. That is, we return a function that closes over the region that we passed to it.

Let us allocate a fresh region and use the above defined function:

def stateExample3() {
  region pool {
    val c1 = newCounter {pool};
    val c2 = newCounter {pool};


Backtrackable Regions

Of course the two concepts can be combined and regions show the correct backtracking behavior.

def exampleProgram {amb:Amb} {reg:Region} {
  var x in reg = 1;
  if (amb.flip()) { x = 2 } else { () };

def stateExample4() {
  region pool {
    allChoices { {amb: Amb} =>
      exampleProgram {amb} {pool}

and nested the other way around:

def stateExample5() {
  allChoices { {amb: Amb} =>
    region pool {
      exampleProgram {amb} {pool}