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Capabilities and Effects


Capability (and effect) types in System C are introduced with the interface keyword. For example, the following introduces the capability type Greeter which has an operation sayHello associated with it.

interface Greeter {
  def sayHello(): Unit

To use it, we can require an instance of the Greeter capability type:

def useGreeter { g: Greeter } {

Notice how interfaces and capabilities are block types enclosed in curly braces. They are second-class.

Finally, to actually call useGreeter, we need to handle it with a concrete handler which implements the Greeter interface and produces an concrete instance of the Greeter interface:

def myGreeter() {
  try {
    useGreeter {greeter}
  } with greeter: Greeter {
    def sayHello() {
      println("Hello World!");

System C features effect handlers: after printing "Hello World", we resume evaluation at the point of the call to sayHello.



While capabilities can be used to precisely track side effects, in our draft implementation we chose to expose the (unsafe) builtin function println, which is not tracked. We can simply track access to the console by defining:

interface Console { def println(msg: String): Unit }
def myFunction { console: Console } {
  def nested() { console.println("world") }

Type checking the example we can see that for nested, we infer a capability set of {console}.

Using Multiple Effects and Capabilities

A capability type can have more than one operation, and these operations can also return values; for example:

interface Bank {
  def debit(amount: Int): Unit
  def credit(amount: Int): Unit
  def balance(): Int

Here is a small example which implements the Bank interface:

def simpleAccount(): Unit {
  var balance = 0;
  try {
  } with bank: Bank {
    def debit(amount: Int) {
      balance = balance - amount;
    def credit(amount: Int) {
      balance = balance + amount;
    def balance() {

We can abstract over the handler for Bank and also add exceptions, for example, when you would overdraft your account.

interface AccountExc { def outOfMoney[A](): A }
def account[T] { exc: AccountExc } { prog: {Bank} => T } : T {
  var balance = 0;
  try { prog {bank} }
  with bank : Bank {
    def debit(amount : Int) {
      if (amount > balance) {
      } else {
        balance = balance - amount;
    def credit(amount : Int) {
      balance = balance + amount;
    def balance() {

def userProgram(): Unit {
  try {
    account {exc} { {bank:Bank} =>;
  } with exc: AccountExc {
    def outOfMoney[A]() { println("Too bad.") }

You can try changing the argument of debit from 5 to something larger then 10 and then rerun the program.

Polymorphism through Second Class Capabilities

System C supports effect polymorphism through capability polymorphism. For example, here is a function which calls a second function which may perform some effectful operation.

def invoke { f : () => Unit }: Unit { f() }

def useInvoke() {
  try {
    invoke { () => useGreeter {greeter} }
  } with greeter: Greeter {
    def sayHello() {
      println("Hello World from useInvoke!");

Contextual effect polymorphism means: In the block passed to invoke, we can simply use any capability that is lexically in scope.


This seems unsafe – what if f escaped? However, it cannot, as by default, capabilities in System C are second class – that is, they can only be passed as parameters and never returned. Moreover, functions which close over second class capabilities have the capability recorded on their binding, and by default, functions themselves are second class. Syntatically, second-class (block) parameters are denoted by {} instead of ().

def otherInvoke() {
  try {
    // here inner closes over greeter, which is recorded on the binding
    def inner() {
  } with greeter : Greeter {
    def sayHello() {
      println("Hello World from useInvoke!");

Transparent wrapping and aliasing

Finally, capabilities and blocks can be bound to different names. However, our type system records which tracked capabilities each block binder closes over, effectively performing some form of aliasing analysis.

For example, for aliased capabilities, we can bind greeter to checker but the binding for checker still reflects the underlying bound capability:

def boundInvoke() {
    try {
        def checker1 = greeter;
        def checker2 = { () => greeter.sayHello() };
    } with greeter : Greeter {
        def sayHello() {
            println("Hello World from useInvoke!");

Capability-sets on Continuations

Here is a more complex example with nested effect handlers that illustrates how capability sets on continuations are computed.

def continuations() {
  try {
    try {
      try {
      } with g3 : Greeter {
        // here the capability set on f is {g1, g2}, since the program closes over
        // g1 and the handler closes over g2.
        def sayHello() { val f = resume; g2.sayHello(); f(()) }
    } with g2 : Greeter {
      // here the capability set on g is {g1}, since the handler itself closes
      // over g1
      def sayHello() { val g = resume; g1.sayHello(); g(()) }
  } with g1 : Greeter {
    // here the capability set on h is empty, since neither the handled
    // program, nor the body of sayHello close over anything:
    def sayHello() {
      val h = resume;

      // even in this nested handler, the continuation has capability {},
      // since the program doesn't close over anything and the handler only
      // closes over the outer continuation h, which itself has set {}.
      try { () }
      with g4: Greeter { def sayHello() { val i = resume; h(()); i(()) }}