On this page:
1.1 Constant Definition
1.2 Struct Definition
1.3 Function Definition
1.4 Conditional Expression
1.5 Function Call Expression
1.6 List Expression
1.7 Name Expression
1.8 Value Expressions

1 BSL Tree Tests

1.1 Constant Definition

(define one 2) (define two 3) (+ one two)

1.2 Struct Definition

(define-struct pool (people fish water)) (make-pool 2 1 "a lot")

1.3 Function Definition

(define (swim-with-the-fish pool) (string-append "Cool pool with a number of:" (number-string (pool-fish pool))))

1.4 Conditional Expression

(cond [(< 1 0) "Chocolate is the best"] [(< 0 0) "But Ice Cream is way better!"] [(> 1000 200) "Still Pizza's the best!!!"] [else #f])

1.5 Function Call Expression

(swim-with-the-fish (make-pool 2 20 "a little less than much, but still much"))

1.6 List Expression

(list 1 2 3 4 5)

1.7 Name Expression


1.8 Value Expressions

#t 42 "Hallo Welt" '()